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fall 2020.png

When you arrive at church, you will find a sign outside the building asking you to evaluate if you exhibit any symptoms of COVID-19. If so, we ask you to please return home.

Upon entering the building, there are signs reminding everyone that they must wear a mask while inside. Masks are provided for those who need them. Hand sanitizer, additionally, is available. Signs reminding us to keep six feet of distance are posted six feet apart throughout the Gathering Area as you venture into the Sanctuary.

The pews of the Sanctuary are taped off. Each seating section is clearly marked, and every single seat has been measured to 7+ feet of distance from any other seat in the room.

Attempting to limit physical touch, all of the liturgy and music is displayed on the walls on either side of the chancel. Masks remain on until the Welcome and Opportunities for Discipleship. Because of the physical distance between worshipers, and the fact that no worshiper is speaking during this time, those in attendance are invited (if comfortable) to remove their masks until the end of the sermon. Once the sermon ends, we ask that masks be worn again until outside of the building.

After the benediction is pronounced, we ask all who have worshiped with us to exit all the way into the parking lot before sharing in conversation. Outdoors, however, and spaced out, conversation and catching up is most welcome as we celebrate that we are together the Body of Christ.

Worship is at 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM.  Both services are held in the Sanctuary, while a simulcast will be projected on the wall in the chapel and on the video monitor in the Gathering Area.

The sanctuary can accommodate approximately fifty (50) worshipers.  The chapel can hold twenty (20) people and ten (10) can be in the Gathering Area.  Because of these accommodations, we are not requiring any kind of reservation to attend worship but believe all who come to one or the other service will have a place to sit and worship.  If you strongly desire a seat in the sanctuary, we advise you plan to arrive at least fifteen minutes before the worship service begins.

Health Percautions

  • Please wear a mask when you attend.

  • Do not linger in the Gathering Area after worship but proceed outside the building before beginning conversations.

  • All liturgy and hymns will be projected to diminish physical contact.

  • The spaces will not be disinfected between services, but cleaning wipes are available in each space if you wish to wipe down your own seat.

  • Hand sanitizer is available in a variety of locations throughout the worship areas.

  • An offering basket is available in the Gathering Area for your offering or you can continue to give online.

  • Our liturgy is slightly condensed to keep the service under an hour.


  • We do not have an infant or toddler nursery available at this time.  This does not mean infants and toddlers are unwelcome.  They will simply have to remain with their parents for the duration of the worship service. 

  • Children's Worship occurs during the 11:00 AM Service only.  Children will remain seated with their families until the Children's Time in worship concludes and then go out of the narthex to the Columbarium for Children's Worship.  This is for children four years old through first grade.  Please be sure your child wears a mask.  When they go outside and are seated, they will be able to remove the mask.

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