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Day 16 - Saturday, March 19

RCPC Greatest Hit from Marian Wordsworth in 2007

“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.” - Psalm 34:8

One of the special memories I have as a child, growing up on a farm in Craig County, was the big walk-in pantry in our home. On a certain shelf in that pantry was a glass cookie jar and at a certain time of year that jar would contain Ms. Trixie’s maple sugar candy. Ms. Trixie was a neighbor lady who made maple sugar candy from the maple trees on her farm. My mom would ration out small pieces of the candy to me; however with one bite you wanted to eat it all. It was always a “downer” when all the maple sugar candy was gone.

From that very first taste, we can know what a marvelous God He is. When we go through experiences within God’s presence, they stand in stark contrast to experiences without the awareness of His presence. Unlike the maple sugar candy, God doesn’t disappear when we take in more of Him. He is always available. No wonder David says that those who take refuge in Him know true blessing in their lives

Dear God, help us to know that we can trust in You because You are good. Help us to turn our difficult times over to You so that we can know the blessing of taking refuge in You. Amen.

-Marian Wordsworth


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