Karen and Tom Blackburn
Karen and Tom Blackburn have lived in Roanoke since 1999. Tom is retired from the Navy and Karen worked with developmentally disabled adults and taught for school in three states. Karen loved being a Navy wife, moving around and meeting interesting people. They enjoy the RSO Symphony in the Park, downtown art shows, gardening, and yards sales. She finds books, flower pots and stumbles onto interesting plants as she explores yards sales! Spending time outside with their Golden Retriever, Glinda, playing tennis is a favorite pass time playing tennis ball games with her. They are enjoying retirement and spending time at home together.

Robyn Decker
Robyn Decker was raised Methodist but has worshipped in many protestant churches over the years. Robyn learned to love the Word from her grandfather, “Daddy Bill,” and was shown by her parents to put the Word into action through love. She is retired now but enjoyed a wonderful career as a teacher/librarian. Robyn has four adult children. Through traveling from Summerfield, North Carolina to West Virginia, Robyn discovered the Roanoke Valley and fell in love with its beauty. She moved to Roanoke in 2018. She is thankful to be a part of RCPC and looks forward to meeting new people and finding places to participate in the mission of the church.

Chris Kepley
Chris Kepley has moved back to the Roanoke Valley. He grew up here at Raleigh Court Presbyterian and was confirmed and baptized here in 1979. Chris has three college-age children: Chris, Chloe, and Evy. Chris is a professor of Nanoscience and started a business in ocean sustainability, Kepley BioSystems Inc.

Betty and Ed Whitehead
Betty and Ed Whitehead moved to Roanoke from Bristol, Virginia in May 2020 to be closer to their sons, Wade and Scott, and their families. Betty and Ed both graduated from King College in Tennessee and taught their entire careers of 50 years in elementary education in Washington County, Virginia. Ed enjoys singing, gardening, and activities at the YMCA. Betty enjoys knitting and traveling. They are excited to have found a church home at RCPC to serve, fellowship and worship alongside new friends.