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We are grateful for the outpouring of love and support we have received from the RCPC congregation since the passing of our dear friend and Hunger Mission Group leader, Susan Currie. Our team remains devoted to feeding hungry children and their families in Roanoke.


The size and scope of the backpack program has grown tremendously over the years. In 2007, the Hunger Mission Group packed about 30 bags of food each week for Hurt Park Elementary students. Last year there were approximately 135 bags packed for Hurt Park and 120 bags for Lincoln Terrace each week of the school year and this year we are entering a new partnership with Woodrow Wilson Middle School! Our program requires thousands of dollars every year and a partnership with the Southwest Virginia Feeding America Food Bank who sell us food at a discounted rate.


How can you help?


1. Plan to attend the Tailgate for Hunger! planned for September 20 from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM at RCPC. All proceeds will go directly to Hunger Mission.


2. Volunteer to pack food bags for backpacks on Thursdays. For Lincoln Terrace, the group meets at 9:00 AM at RCPC. For Hurt Park, the group meets at 10:00 AM in the Hurt Park Elementary School cafeteria.


3. We have a new need for a Woodrow Wilson Middle School liaison.  This person would work with school counselor Claire Dobson to help kick off our new partnership.  


4. Volunteer to help pick up canned and boxed food from the Food Bank one morning per month (during the school year).


5. Join the Hunger Mission Leadership Team. We are looking for people with a talent for numbers (budgeting, inventory, spreadsheets), those who love to help with P.R. and advertising, and those who are creative thinkers.


6. Consider giving a financial donation to the Hunger Mission (and jars of peanut butter are always appreciated)!!!

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