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Day 30 - Tuesday, April 5

"Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen."- Hebrews 13:20-21

One of, if not the primary, aim of my days is to “do the right thing.” That’s not because I’m good or honorable. It’s likely more the result of an upbringing in a fundamental Christian household and community of faith and of familial concern about reputation that led me to develop a healthy dose of guilt. I struggle daily to “let go and let God,” being a personality that likes to have answers and solve problems.

This can lead to pressure and stress to not only know the right thing, but to also do it. And I’m not particularly successful in my own strength. Someone I hold dear once told me, “For someone who tries so hard to do the right thing, you often don’t.” That was said in love, but it stung. And they were correct because I was relying on myself and not on God.

Today’s scripture is such an encouragement. To realize that God equips us – that we don’t have to do it – and that He works good things in us to make us into who and what He wants us to be is such a relief! And that he does all of that so that we can do His will (“do the right thing”) is simply amazing. The love God the Creator and Ruler of the universe has for each of us – to care enough about us individually to equip and work within us individually and shepherd us in abundant living – it is beyond comprehension.

If we give time to reflect on these truths and to genuinely appreciate them, how can we not be grateful? How can we not feel a deep peace and freedom from the weight of life? How can we not seek to shepherd others – pointing them to the love of our God, to love Him in return, and to see and love others because all are loved equally by God – unendingly and unconditionally?

Today, how can I allow God to equip me, to work within me, and to use me to do right?

Creator, King, Shepherd,

Write this word on my mind that I may never forget.

Write this word on my heart that I may never fail to love.

Write this word on my tongue that I may never discourage.

Write this word on my hands that I may never fail to serve.

Your love is too amazing to understand. Help me simply accept and share.

By the grace of Jesus Christ,


-David Moorman


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