Looking back over our collective shoulders, The Endowment Board is pleased to highlight a number of very meaningful disbursements from the RCPC Endowment Fund over the Summer months. Below, you will see the Endowment Board (EB) vetted several very worthwhile charitable Endowment Fund requests and made positive recommendations for approval by Session.
In June, we reviewed and deliberated over an application for funds for Trees Roanoke, Inc. sponsored by Chris Bryant, who serves as a Tree Steward for the City of Roanoke presented facts and figures regarding the city’s tree census, tree losses, funding, etc. The disbursement request of $3000 to go toward the purchase of 30 trees which are to be nursed to semi-maturity and then replanted was approved by the Endowment Board. Session subsequently approved the EB recommendation.
Next, in July, we listened to a presentation on behalf of the Deaf/Hard of Hearing Mission Committee. Anne Travers, the sponsor, requested a disbursement of $5,000 funding to pay for part-time signing interpreter(s) when Ellen Austin and Anne need to be away. Anne and Ellen continue helping our deaf and hard of hearing members and visitors have a meaningful worship experience. This funding request represents a start-up/bridge until permanent funding can be placed in the RCPC general budget beginning in 2020. The EB recommended onetime funding of this project to go into a restricted fund to be disbursed as the expense is incurred. Session approved this recommendation.
In August, the EB heard from three organizations. First, the Turning Point Shelter; shelter manager, Ashley Frankie, addressed the $3,977 request for the repair of their commercial grade dishwasher to better handle the service and cleansing of dishware for up to 90 meals a day for their 30 daily guests. After review and discussion, the Endowment Board recommended to Session that the request be approved and disbursed to this urgent venture.
Next, the EB met with the Roanoke Rescue Mission to review a request for $25,844 to be used for providing infrastructure and software upgrade to support a new telephone communications system to help more efficiently operate this very busy shelter. The updated system will provide flexibility for them to grow into the future. After discussion, the EB recommended that Session approve this request for funds and the funds were approved for distribution from the Endowment Fund.
Finally, we heard from the Ronald McDonald House. Their director spoke to the EB about their need for replacement of a commercial grade walk-in freezer to support their family dinner program. The existing unit was improperly installed, has failed and caused significant water damage in their kitchen. Each year 650 family members stay at the RMH for various length terms. The large freezer enhances their ability to receive donations of large quantities of meat and other perishables. The EB discussed the request at length and recommended to Session approval of $15,000 for new freezer. The funds were approved for distribution.
While the Endowment Board is quite busy, we continue to encourage the RCPC membership to seek requests for qualified projects that are both locally focused as well as international. Requests are to be sponsored by a current member of Session or the Board of Deacons.
Thomas A. Mason
Endowment Board Member