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Doxology - Property & Maintenance

Accomplishments in 2021

  • Repaired and recovered Sanctuary stained glass windows

  • Replaced the remaining Preschool windows

  • Updated 2 Chapel classrooms with new paint. A television was added to each room being renovated.

  • Made much-needed repairs to HVAC including 2 fan motors, and 2 new split units for the main office.

  • Roof and masonry repairs

  • We have added a new door monitoring system to the receptionist desk.

  • We have reduced inventory and increased storage space by eliminating outdated materials. We have also reorganized shelves, cabinets and closets.

  • Purchased new door mats, eliminating the need to rent.

  • Addressed plumbing issues and called in a plumber for issues beyond our skill level.

  • The Fellowship Hall floor is scheduled to be professionally stripped and waxed for the first time in 13 years.

  • We connected with a company who will continue to take care of our Columbarium engraving needs.

  • Through the pandemic we have continued to host Alcoholics Anonymous, Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, the Raleigh Court Neighborhood Association, Mill Mountain Ringers, Tai Chi classes, and safely continue the good work of our preschool Monday through Friday each week. These are ways our building is a service to our community neighbors as well as our congregation.

Goals for 2022

By having Don Marshall work on the P&M team, we have saved thousands of dollars in maintenance costs. He will be retiring at the end of December. This means some of the maintenance work completed by Don will be contracted out to outside servicers which means the cost of general maintenance of the facility will go up.

Our building was constructed in three phases, 1925, 1958, and 1997. We experience ongoing challenges with roof leaks in several areas, masonry needs on the brick and mortar where moisture gets in, and aging elements such as classroom windows. Work in these areas is essential for the coming year.

The phone system is in need of complete replacement. Computers are also outdated.


Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church | 1837 Grandin Road S.W. Roanoke, Va. 24015 | (540) 343-5541 | Contact

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Church Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 AM-4:30 PM, Friday 8:30 AM-1:00 PM

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