While the mainstream narrative of Christmas these days requires us to do more and spend more money, the amazing biblical narrative of Christmas tells a different story. Christ enters the world. Christ comes to us all as a gift, regardless to what we do, make, or purchase in this season. As a way of honoring the gift we are given in Christ, we invite you to celebrate Christmas in an alternative way to the mainstream narrative by participating in Alternative Giving. Alternative Giving encompasses a variety of ways to give to others this Christmas season and allows your whole family, no matter one’s age, to participate. Read below for all the ways you might honor the gift we’re given in Christ.
You can donate a gently used stuffed animal to the Rescue Mission to be given out to kids in need by placing your stuffed animal in the stable in the Gathering Area by Christmas Eve.
You can participate in the West End Center collection of socks and underwear aiding in each child at the West End Center receiving a full outfit with the efforts of other local churches. Sign up to give using the link found in This Week @ RCPC. You’ll sign up to provide a specific size of socks and underwear for a specific student. Drop off the Socks and Underwear in the appropriate box in the Gathering Area by Sunday, December 15.
You can give a gift by donating to our mission partners in honor of a loved one. Stop by the tree in the Gathering Area, or use the Link below. Whether by physical form or an online sign up, let us know the gift you wish to give to support mission partners (Family Promise, House of Bread, RAM, Hunger Mission Team, Haiti Mission Group, Presbyterian Community Center, Rescue Mission, Care Portal, Sudanese Mission Group, and West End Center) in honor of your loved one. Submit your gift online or submit the form and payment via check or cash to the church office to the attention of Julie Satterwhite. Whichever way you donate to our mission partners in honor of a loved one, the Deacons will collect the submitted information to mail a card of thanksgiving to your loved ones. All Forms must be submitted by Wednesday, December 18. Here’s how a monetary gift to a mission partner can help their mission:
$20 funds the flour for one bake day at House of Bread
$25 supports an overnight stay through the Rescue Mission
$25 gifts a complete uniform to a student at the Abukloi School supported by the Sudanese Mission Group
$35 pays for a family's tuition for one week at the West End Center
$40 supports one week of services for a client a RAM
$40 covers diapers and wipes for a financially struggling mom through Care Portal
$56 will provide a monthly bus pass for one adult at Family Promise
$85 covers an average food order picked up at PCC food pantry
$100 equals 20 bags packed for a hungry kid through the Hunger Mission Team
$150 pays for 404 meals served in a single day at St. Timothee’s School in Larivoire, Haiti
Care Portal Team - The Care Portal Team responds to physical needs in our community through DSS
Family Promise - Family Promise of Greater Roanoke empowers homeless families with children to achieve sustainable independence through a community-based response.
House of Bread - House of Bread is a ministry of support for women coming out of incarceration to find positive mentors and receive ServSafe training to help them with job placement. Using the avenue of bread baking, the students work with a mentor to learn a skill as well as build relationships.
Roanoke Area Ministries (RAM) - Roanoke Area Ministries (RAM) is an interfaith non-profit that advocates for those facing or are threatened by homelessness and hunger. Founded in 1971, our doors are open for those needing care coordination, day shelter services, meals, and emergency financial assistance.
Hunger Mission Group - The Hunger Mission Group is a ministry both fully funded and staffed by the congregation. Each week, congregants put together food bags for the weekend for children at Hurt Park and Lincoln Terrace Elementary Schools. Additionally, other volunteers make food purchases, restock the pantry at the church, and bring in grocery bags.
Haiti Mission Team - Since 1998, RCPC has financially supported the teachers of the St. Timothee School in Larevoir, Haiti. Located seventy miles south of Port-au-Prince, this school is run by the Episcopal Church of Haiti and funded through the American organization, Haiti Education Foundation.
Presbyterian Community Center - The Presbyterian Community Center (PCC) is a ministry designed to help our most needy Roanoke neighbors through prayer and a wide assortment of mission activities. Established in 1967 to provide for the basic human needs of the residents of Southeast Roanoke, the PCC today assists families and individuals living in the eastern quadrants of Roanoke City, eastern Roanoke County and the Town of Vinton.
Rescue Mission - Since 1948, the Roanoke Rescue Mission has been a place of refuge, healing, and transformation. Through emergency services as well as in-depth programs that nourish the mind, body, and spirit, dedicated staff and volunteers extend the compassion of Christ to our neighbors in need.
Sudanese Mission Group - The Sudanese Mission Group supports the Abukloi school in South Sudan as well as educational opportunities for Sudanese refugees in Roanoke
West End Center for Youth - West End Center for Youth is a non-profit organization serving children in the West End and Roanoke Valley since 1979. The center provides an after-school program that helps prepare children for success in school and life. The center offers a variety of resources for families and community activities for the children. RCPC has had a long relationship of supporting this center.